The BOXER RSS system offers the same level of performance as our larger multi-national competitors combined with a rugged simplicity that comes from long experience in the oilfield and a “get it done” mentality particular to the Canadian Oil Patch. This has proven to be a winning combination for customers around the globe, with true field serviceability possible by the operators.

The Boxer RSS Tool has hole sizes ranging from 3.75” to 8.75” and can be run under a motor or in non motor-assist applications. It is a mud powered push-the-bit biasing system with one-size-fits-all electronics package can be turned off for tangent sections. In addition:

  • Lowest cost RSS tool on the market today;

  • Uses batteries for highest reliability;

  • Concept suitable for very small hole sizes (3.75”);

  • Integrated MWD system;

  • Suitable for modern bit speeds (>300RPM);

  • Fast Service (with a small toolbox can be serviced anywhere in the world);

  • High DLS capability; and

  • Patent pending.

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In order to be able to offer high performance and reliable RSS that is easily serviceable and cost effective Sparrow had to innovate. Here are some of the features that you can find on the BOXER tools:


Most pads have 3 or more pads pushing on the steering head, our smaller size tools (BOXER 3, BOXER 3+, and BOXER 5) have just 2. Moving from 3 pads to 2 pads has a big impact on the cross section available for pushing piston area and stroke length. It’s all application specific, but in the same way that 2-cylinder engines have different strengths than 4-cylinder engines do, 2-pad tools have certain advantages too. Larger pistons mean more side force and more stroke length - leading to more dogleg. Fewer pistons mean easier and cheaper service.


Constantly-rotating push-the-bit tools can have an issue with side force and overpressure. Too much pressure and a limited contact patch can lead to a concentration of force on the rock face and result in formation damage. The extra degree of freedom that comes from a second hinge point means that the curvature of the pad can match the curvature of the wellbore, meaning the pads can push harder without wellbore damage.


We’ve always thought that that the drilling tool of the future was an RSS with an integrated MWD. Using a top-mount pulser and a pulse train generated by an on-board Erdos-Miller MP3 (or MP4) sensor pack, the Sparrow Downhole BOXER tool uses an Erdos Miller Eclipse Touch surface system to decode pulses. Capable of pulse widths down to 0.40 seconds, the BOXER tool transmits not only survey and RSS diagnostic data, but Azimuthal gamma information as well.